

Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) are predominantly found in the microenvironment of tumors, including various types of lymphocytes that have infiltrated in and around tumor tissues.
Among them, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells and CD4+ helper T cells are major components.
Our approach involves isolating and expanding TILs from a patient’s tumor tissue, then evaluating the efficacy of anticancer agents in a tumor microenvironment containing cancer organoids and TILs.

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NSCLC organoids, reflecting the heterogeneity and genetic features of patient tumors, provide a versatile platform for in-depth cancer research.
These organoids faithfully mimic the tissue architecture of NSCLC, facilitating the study of tumor dynamics, invasion patterns, and drug responses.
Their patient-specific modeling capability allows personalized exploration of treatment outcomes.



Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are immune cells in cancer tissues with the potential to either eliminate or aid in cancer growth.
Immunotherapeutics can reactivate exhausted TILs, allowing them to attack cancer cells.
Direct extraction and cultivation of TILs provide an evaluation solution for immunotherapeutics, and the extraction yield can predict their responsiveness, considering potential absence due to extraction yield or unique cancer characteristics.


Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) refer to lymphocytes that infiltrate tumors either intrinsically or extrinsically to eliminate tumors or help tumor growth. Some TIL have antitumor reactivity that can eliminate tumor cells, but they often exist in an inhibited state.
Our company has developed conditions to extract and culture TIL from patients’ tumors. During TIL culture, the number of cytotoxic T cells increased, and the expression levels of various immune checkpoint molecules allowed us to check the status of TIL.

When evaluating the efficacy of atezolizumab in co-culture conditions with tumor organoids and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or tumor organoids and T cells derived from PBMCs, higher tumor organoid killing was observed in conditions without co-culture with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or T cells.

The method of evaluating efficacy by treating a specific mixture of tumor organoids and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes with anticancer drugs is still at the research level globally, and our company uniquely holds patents and commercialization services related to this. Make your research shine brighter through the only service of its kind in the world.

When evaluating the efficacy of atezolizumab in co-culture conditions with tumor organoids and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or tumor organoids and T cells derived from PBMCs, higher tumor organoid killing was observed in conditions without co-culture with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or T cells.

The method of evaluating efficacy by treating a specific mixture of tumor organoids and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes with anticancer drugs is still at the research level globally, and our company uniquely holds patents and commercialization services related to this. Make your research shine brighter through the only service of its kind in the world.